Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why Has Yahoo Killed Flickr? 5 Alternatives For Photo Sharing

In an exclusive article, Gizmodopenned a powerful exposé about how Yahoo has bludgeoned Flickr. The title conveys the brutal reality of how the internet giant slowly ruined one of its best web properties.
Eric Jackson frequently writes about Yahoo! and offers ideas on how it can turn the ship away from the iceberg. Icebergs that the company seems to make all by itself. I’m one of the people who fled Yahoo when they started to botch email years ago and made it look and feel somehow, in my humble opinion, like MySpace. Eric’s latest post is linked at end. I’m writing about Flickr because a fair number of makers, hackers, and inventors use the service and love Flickr. We may need to find alternatives and I’ll suggest a few...

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